Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 14

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch:  Microgreen salad with avocado (the meal plan included soup using the squash from the previous night, but I didn't have time to prepare the soup before work so I omitted)

Dinner: Roasted corn and edamame succotash and brussel sprouts (subbed for lemon pepper kale)
Tonight's dinner rivals the squash from last night.  This was my first time making succotash and it did not disappoint.  Maybe I enjoyed it so much because I was hungry (one of the few times I have felt this way), but the flavor was scrumptious!  I had leftover brussel sprouts from last night so I decided to eat those instead of the lemon pepper kale.  They were just as delicious as last night! 

I will admit I am getting quite tired of the microgreen salad.  Even thought I love salad, it has been tough to eat almost every.single.day for lunch.  Part of it is my own fault for not making some of the foods in the meal plan and subbing the salad, but I would rather eat salad for lunch all the time than eat miso soup.  For some reason I can't stomach the seaweed I bought from Whole Foods.  It is definitely not the same as the seaweed you get at a restaurant.  I thought the dried seaweed tasted like it was straight from the ocean and once you soak it, it is so slimy.  ICK! 

My lips seem to be the only side effect that remain...seems as though the cravings have subsided.  At least for today!

Tomorrow brings week 3, which I am so excited about.  I am ready for the reset to be over, but hopefully I am doing good things for my body. 

Until tomorrow...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 13

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Microgreen salad with avocado (was supposed to have roasted beets as well, but since I don't love beets, I omitted.  I had plenty of food.)

Dinner: Kabocha squash with garlic tahini sauce and steamed veggies (I couldn't find kabocha squash so I used acorn and had brussel sprouts from Blackberry Market)

Again, no pictures.   I was in a hurry to get out the door for a Kindergarten Readiness meeting and threw my dinner in a container to eat on the run before snapping a picture.  This was hands down my favorite dinner so far.  I am finding I either love the meals or don't care for them, very little in between.  The ones I do like are delicious and will be made again.  I think I liked the combination of the squash and tahini sauce, the flavor was incredible.  And, it was totally outside the box for me.  I splurged a little bit with the brussel sprouts because they were roasted with olive oil and mustard instead of steamed, but they tasted delicious and gave me just the taste of the outside world that I needed. 

My lips are still tingling and so dry, but other than that, things are moving along.  I am definitely eating less and learning a lot about portion control  Two things I have trouble with.  The cravings for pizza and M&M's are still intense, but I am them in the back of my mind.  I am not feeling a ton different, but I have no doubt the cleanse is working.  People are telling me my hair and skin look great, but I don't notice much of a difference.  Maybe I need a haircut and a facial?!?!

I am tired as heck, until tomorrow...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 12

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Microgreen salad with avocado (subbed for vegetable miso soup and micro green salad)

Dinner: Roasted beets and coconut kale (subbed for coconut collard greens)

This post is going to be another wordy one, as I don't have any pictures of my meals.  I gave up taking pictures of breakfast because fruit is fruit.  I always have a combination of oranges, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, and cantaloupe.  The microgreen salad is a repeat of several days past.  Many people might get tired of eating salad after salad, but I don't mind it.  The worst part is eating the salad takes an hour or so because it is quite big and half the time I don't have much of an appetite.  I don't like beets so I had to choke them down and I wasn't crazy about the kale.  The coconut flavor was almost too strong and they were kind of oily.  Tolerable, nonetheless.

My cravings were STRONG today...still wanting pizza and M&M's.  I am not craving alcohol at all, but a Barone's pizza sounds so good.  I feel as though the cravings have been stronger the past couple of days.  Maybe because it is the weekend and we are around the house more.  Food is staring me in the face, as I am in the kitchen most of my weekend days (or at the grocery store...again, having food stare me down).

Burning lips and chills are still happening.  Oh, and I am exhausted!  I went to a beginnger yoga class this morning that made me feel great.  My muscles are so tight from years of running; the yoga has made me realize that.  And it is so relaxing, I plan to continue with the classes after the cleanse.  My body needs it. 

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 11

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Quinoa lentil pilaf and cucumber tomato salad

Dinner: Pinto beans and rice with green beans (subbed for miso soup and Swiss chard)

My headache has finally subsided, praise the lord!  The fact that I can't warm up, hasn't.  I am ok with being cold, a symptom that is easily cured, because at least I feel like my body is finally responding to the cleanse.  Oh and my lips are burning, dry, and flaky.  I am sure the freezing cold weather does not help the lip sitch, but again, at least I can whip out some Vaseline and take care of them.  I have felt a little bloated today, but the chat boards assure me this is normal because of all the fruit I have been consuming. 

Not much to say about the food today.  Everything was a repeat of days past and I am ok with that.  I loved the quinoa lentil pilaf and felt quite full after lunch.  I was starving by the time I got around to eating lunch...maybe that helped with the taste as well. 

Overall, I am feeling great.  My energy has definitely decreased, I am rarely tired during the day.  My body does start to crash around 9 p.m. and by 10 p.m., I am ready to hit the hay.  I will say, my nights' sleep has been amazing since around day 3 and I am feeling so well rested in the morning. 

Off to bed, until tomorrow...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 10

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Sweet potato and roasted red pepper bisque and greek salad

Dinner: Quinoa lentil pilaf and steamed broccoli

Tonight we had dinner plans with some friends.  I learned my lesson last week about spending time with friends on the reset.  Tonight I was ready.  I had actually made my dinner for tonight (and lunch tomorrow) yesterday so I didn't have to rush around this morning trying to get everything together.  That helped my mental attitude tremendously.  I didn't feel guilty for not spending time with the boys on my day off and I could just grab my food and go, leaving me feeling much better than last Friday.  While my friends and the kiddos enjoyed pizza, I savored each and every bite of my pilaf and broccoli.  And, even though I had been craving pizza all day, I felt great about my decision to pass once I actually saw the pizza.  The cookie bars on the other hand were a different story, but I avoided those, too. 

I am still feeling chilled to the bone and the headache remains.  I did find myself drinking more water today so hopefully my headache is gone by tomorrow.  I have also noticed that them lips are starting to tingle, are bumpy, and itch like crazy (like I have eczema on them).  I can't keep enough Vaseline on them to save my life.  I am thinking this is a side effect of the detox supplement. 

I am cozily settled in under several blankets, drinking my nightly cup of tea and enjoying the Help.  Feeling like today was another good day.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 9

Breakfast: Fruit (subbed for miso soup, avocado, and mashed chick peas)

Lunch: Pinto beans and rice with a micro green salad

Dinner: Roasted red pepper and sweet potato bisque with roasted aspargus and almonds

The thought of eating miso soup, avocado, and mashed chick peas for breakfast was kind of disgusting so I opted for fruit instead.  I had a nice big bowl of strawberries, an apple, and an orange.  Lunch was a bit overwhelming today as there was a TON of food.  I ate most of the pinto beans and salad, but very little of the rice.  I have noticed that I am filling up fast, which means my portion sizes are decreasing.  That is probably a good lesson, one I needed a refresher course on.  The roasted red pepper and sweet potato soup was pretty good.  Not my favorite recipe thus far, but maybe something I would make again.  The good news is that the food prep has seemed to decrease a little bit.  Or, maybe I am becoming a better chef!  Still lots of chopping though!

A few people have asked me about caloric intake.  I have not been calculating, but I would guess anywhere between 1000 and 1200 calories.  The calories have definitely decreased as the reset moves on, but I still have rarely felt hungry.  Remember, I am not exercising. 

Today was the first day where I really felt some side effects.  I had a headache all day long and I was freezing.  I just couldn't warm up...at all.  Tea before bed helped, but I still had to wear pants and a long sleeve shirt to bed, which is unusual for me.  The headache just lingered all day and no amount of water was going to take care of it, believe me, I tried.  I am slammed at work so, that helped me get through the headache, but it is still annoying. 

I am craving M&M's and pizza.  Guess some tea will have to do.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 8

Breakfast: Low glycemic fruit, including oranges, berries, melon, and grapes

Lunch: Micro green salad with avocado

Dinner: Pinto beans and rice with steamed zucchini and green beans with lemon

I was thrilled to begin week 2.  Not only does it mean I am 1 week closer to the end of the reset, but also I have a lot of new delicious items on the menu.  Today's round up of food was so delicious, I could eat all 3 every day.  I will never tire of fruit for breakfast so this week should be great since that is on the menu almost every day.  Too bad there is not much fruit in season right now...might be a benefit of doing the reset during the summer.  The pinto beans and rice was amazing and a meal that could easily be whipped up on a week night for the fam.  I thought the cup serving of rice was quite a bit for the amount of bean, I left some in the bowl.  I also added some Bragg liquid aminos to the veggies and that gave them a great flavor.  Will be doing that in the future, also.

I am continuing with the supplements from last week and adding a detox concoction 3 times a day.  I was scared to add another powdered supplement to the mix because the alkalinize tastes so terrible, but I actually enjoyed the detox today.  It is like drinking an Indian spice tea, cold.  A bit grainy and you need a lot of water, but the taste is surprisingly delicious.  I was also scared that the detox would cause a lot of bathroom (for lack of better word) issues, but after 3 packs today, I haven't seen much of a change.  Still making lots of trips because of the water intake, though. 

I also did another session of beginner yoga, which was great.  My muscles seem tired and I think the yoga helps to stretch them out.  This is not strenuous at all, just very easy and slow paced.  I find it very relaxing and peaceful, too, which I definitely need.  It helps me slow down.

Until tomorrow...

7 Days

Week 1 of the Ultimate Reset is in the books.  The day I never thought would come, did.  Not without some bumps and bruises, but overall the first week went well.  It was way more difficult than I imagined it could be emotionally, mentally.  It challenged me, a lot, but I made it through.  Definitely not without the help of numerous friends, my sister, my parents, and most importantly, my husband and children. 

My thoughts for week 1:
  • Prepare yourself, mentally.  Even if you think you are prepared, keep prepping.  Anyone who asked me last week if I was ready for day 1, I would have hands down said yes.  That was a lie.  I didn't realize how hard mentally it would be, especially when I was feeling down.  There were several times when I wanted to thrown in the towel and I had to talk myself out of it.  I just kept reminding myself of my WHY (will discuss that later), how good this will be for my body, and how great I will feel in the end.  Not to mention the cost. 
  • I mentioned this in a previous post, but get ready for food prep.  I easily spend 2-3 hours a day preparing food and most of the time Matt is right alongside helping me.  I am pretty sure you use every utensil in the kitchen, too.  I think it might be easiest to chop all your veggies ahead of time so you can just throw things together.  I have yet to do that.
  • Shredded carrots are your friend. 
  • I don't like tempeh and probably never will.  I don't quite understand why it is on the reset because to me it is a processed food.  You can substitute beans and grains for the tempeh, I just choose to substitute meals. 
  • Other than the "day of depression," I didn't have any major side effects the first week. 
  • I miss working out, but have discovered a love for yoga...thanks, KL! 
  • The alkalinize is disgusting, but goes down fairly easy mixed with 3 ounces of cold water.  Shot from a small pill bottle, with my nose plugged. 
  • You do not need that much olive oil to sautee veggies or prepare anything for that matter.  1 teaspoon can go a long way.
  • I am down 5.2 pounds!!!!!
As I look into week 2, I am excited.  There are some great meals ahead...let's hope the prep time decreases a little bit, as the week is focused more on just fruits and vegetables. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 7

Tonight wraps up week 1...in all honesty, I can't believe it is almost over.  After a slow start, the week did go by fast.  Here is how the final day looked:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with flaxseed, cinnamon, and apples, yogurt with honey

Lunch: Microgreen salad and zucchini cashew soup

Dinner: Baked salmon, sauteed brussel sprouts (subbed for baked tempeh, steamed veggies, and brown rice)

I felt very light headed this morning, but I think it was because I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast until 9:30 or so. Low blood sugar, perhaps? 

Well, I only have 14 days to go; can't wait to see what changes those 14 days bring.  Today was a good day.  The hubs was out for the evening leaving me alone with the boys.  I decided to just enjoy my time with them and worry about my dinner after they went to bed.  I did not end up eating until 9:00 p.m., but the time I spent with them was well worth it. 

I felt very light headed this morning, but I think it was because I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast until 9:30 or so.  Low blood sugar, perhaps? 

Well, I only have 14 days to go; can't wait to see what changes those 14 days bring.  I will do a week 1 wrap up in the morning.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 6

Breakfast: Yogurt with honey, strawberries and cantaloupe, and 1 slice whole grain bread (this was a substitute for 1 slice whole grain bread, baked tempeh, and steamed kale)

Lunch: Quinoa salad, microgreen salad, and dressing

Dinner: Roasted root medley, half serving zucchini cashew soup, and millet

I feel like I am trucking along nicely still.  I still have not felt overly cold since I started the process. Maybe it is because temperatures are in the low teens here and I am freezing anyway.  I have noticed at night that I am not sweating like I once used to, requiring me to open the window in the middle of January (I blame it on the cold dorm). 

I thoroughly enjoyed all my meals today except the zucchini cashew soup.  I tried, I promise I did, but I could only eat about half of it.  The texture, combined with the taste, just did not do it for me.  I am learning that I might have some sort of texture issue when I eat.  I did try something new today...millet.  Enjoyed it...similar to quinoa, but more sticky.  I think I will stick to quinoa after the reset, but glad I made the millet.  The roasted root veggies were delicious even though they contained beets, which I don't love.  I think having them roasted really helped.  Will be making the veggies again after the reset. 

I did enjoy another cup of tea tonight as I watched the Bachelor.  Not sure which one I enjoyed more. 

Until tomorrow...